Toxicology Assays &
Tissue Models

Tissue engineering represents a groundbreaking field at the intersection of biology, engineering, and medicine. It involves the creation of functional, living tissues by combining cells, biomaterials, and biochemical factors. This innovative approach holds immense promise for regenerative medicine, as it aims to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs, offering potential solutions to a range of medical conditions and injuries. Tissue engineering holds the power to revolutionize healthcare by providing customized, patient-specific treatments and advancing our understanding of cell behavior, growth, and development.

Purpose & Goal
The primary objective of tissue engineering is to advance cellular technology for the purpose of restoring and enhancing tissue function. It encompasses the repair or replacement of damaged tissues within the human body, including skin, organs, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage.
Diverse techniques and methodologies are employed in this research and development endeavor. These include, but are not limited to, systems and molecular biology, cellular therapeutics and biotechnology, biomanufacturing, and computational regenerative engineering.

Clinical Need
Tissue and organ failure, stemming from injuries, diseases, and developmental issues, poses substantial challenges to both healthcare and the economy. In the clinical realm, these challenges manifest as a shortage of available organ donors, the burden of lengthy transplant waiting lists, and the growing impact of chronic organ-affecting diseases. Furthermore, as the global population steadily increases, the demand for functional tissues and organs intensifies. Thus, the significance of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine emerges as pivotal, offering innovative solutions that not only alleviate transplant strains but also resonate through broader socioeconomic dynamics.


Corporate Office:- Toronto, Ontario
Lab Space:- Guelph, Ontario.

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